ETM is a JalTest software additional module used to verify the EBS brake modules of commercial vehicles. Just as with Jaltest, it is a dynamic tool that is continually evolving, that is why it will be updated once a year.


The equipment of this new tool consists of a suitcase that comprises the different cables for the diagnosis of Knorr and Wabco EBS modules, as well as the interface cable and the Jaltest ETM software

How to use it

  • Connect Jaltest Link directly to the EBS module using the available electrical connectors (the connector to use depends on the brand and generation of the EBS module).
  • Enter the reference of the module you wish to check and follow the instructions of the application.
  • In a few minutes and in an easy way, you will know for sure whether the EBS module is working properly.


Within this first version, the Jaltest ETM tool covers a wide number of EBS brake modules references from Knorr and Wabco.


Комплект JALTEST ETM имеет расшифровку как ПРОВЕРКА ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ МОДУЛЕЙ системы EBS  на коммерческом транспорте . О важности исправности тормозов на грузовом транспотрте перевозящем коммерческие грузы говорить нет нужды. Как проверить - исправен ли модуль? Программное обеспечение JALTEST ETM Software в комплекте с кабелями для подключения предоставляют возможность полной проверки этих важных узлов .